Unsuspend your domain in 3 easy steps
XYZ does not tolerate any forms of domain name abuse, including malware, phishing, spam, and other illegal activities in any XYZ TLDs.
Compromised domains are temporarily suspended to help protect you and anyone visiting your website. If your domain has been flagged for violating our anti-abuse policies, please follow the steps below.
1. Lookup the status of your domain(s)
Type domains without http:// or www (i.e. example.xyz). Enter multiple domains separated by comma, space, or a new line.
The following errors occurred:
Domain Lookup Results
If your domain is listed as "NOT Suspended" then no action has been taken by XYZ. Please contact your registrar instead to find any potential problems.
Please note that domains will only be reviewed and reactivated when requests are filled out completely and domains have been delisted from all blacklists.