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Sharing with our neighbors has long been a big part of human society, and the rise of smartphones is making it easier than ever. Now with the click of a button, you can share a ride, rent a vacation home, and even get groceries delivered, all while enjoying cheaper prices and generating less waste. But have you ever wanted to borrow small-ticket, everyday items from those in your community? This week’s #WebsiteWednesday is featuring a brand new way to borrow anything you can think of; is a new mobile app that allows peer-to-peer sharing of everyday things via their community-based platform. Users can borrow and lend out their bicycles, lawn mowers, and even video games for a daily fee. This San Jose-based start-up aims to promote a sustainable lifestyle and a healthy environment by helping to make sharing more prevalent. They reason that for every item that is rented or shared, a product is saved from being produced and consumed unnecessarily.

To borrow something on, simply download the iOS app and browse the listed items by category, or search the products directly. Lenders can list their product and fee directly on the app, then choose their preferred delivery method (pickup or dropoff). is already a huge hit with their neighbors in San Jose, and they plan to expand to even more communities across the country. and its founders are already being recognized as a mission-driven company and were even interviewed on The Town Kitchen’s blog.

You can find on Instagram and Facebook using their expertly branded handle If you’re interested in borrowing or renting an everyday item yourself, download’s 5-star rated app. Once you’re there, be sure to take a peek at the Technology section to find the tools you need to build your next project, then launch on your own .xyz domain!

XYZ is proud to share about the many incredible members that make up the XYZ community! We encourage you to do your own research before using the products and services of the websites we feature. The information about products and services contained in this blog post does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by XYZ.

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