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Having a career in the world of media is the dream of millions across the world. Creating your own media brand may sound like a massive undertaking, but you can start yours off strong by looking to the example set by this week’s #WebsiteWednesday;

Greg Chamberlain, or Greg the Slacker as he’s branded himself, is a filmmaker and founder of his own multimedia company, Slacker. Greg uses his knowledge of the industry to produce videos on a range of topics, from current events in the industry to reviews on film equipment to even breaking down campy films like Birdemic. The diverse yet well-rounded selection of content Greg creates through Slacker is meant to both entertain and teach.

This mission is further illustrated in the “Learn” and “Forum” sections of The first functions as a helpful blog where Greg shares tips on technical editing, discusses editing history and the theory behind good editing and advises newbies on the proper hardware to use. The forum is where you can go to chat about film and television with Greg and the rest of the Slacker crew, or just chat about any random topic with other Slackers.

Greg is also able to create a complete online presence for all aspects of his Slacker brand thanks to his .xyz sites. He’s already expanded beyond the multimedia arm of Slacker housed on with his personal portfolio site Here you can find amazing behind the scenes shots of Greg’s work on commercials and music videos, or even rent out Greg’s gear for your next film project.

The first step to making your dreams a reality is establishing yourself and your brand, something Greg has done perfectly with and Join the Slacker audience yourself by following them on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, or see the full archive of Slacker videos on their YouTube channel. Ready to establish your brand online? Then follow Greg’s example and start living your dream with your own .xyz domain!

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