مرحبا, Γεια σας, שלום, ສະບາຍດີ, Алло, สวัสดี, こんにちは, 안녕하세요 and hello, #GenXYZ!
We’re a little over a month old and we’ve truly gone global – twice over.
First, we’re excited to announce that we fully support IDNs! What does that even mean? IDN is short for “International Domain Names”. You can now get your perfect .xyz domain names in additional languages and scripts, opening the doors to connect with users in every corner of the world. www.サッカー.xyz? That’s “soccer” in Japanese. Pretty cool huh?
And there’s more. Register .xyz domains in any of these 10 languages and scripts:
.xyz has gone global in another big way. If you check out the homepages of major domain name retailers (also known as registrars) like GoDaddy, you’ll find us prominently featured all over the place.
It’s like a .xyz scavenger hunt. Can you spot us on these websites? We’re highlighted all over the world through these registrars, in locations like the US, UK, Japan, China, Russia, Africa, and even Luxembourg.
Keep looking out for us, #GenXYZ – we promise to work hard and have .xyz domain names available to you all over the world. If you see us out there in the wild, give us a shoutout @xyz on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
XYZ is proud to share about the many incredible members that make up the XYZ community! We encourage you to do your own research before using the products and services of the websites we feature. The information about products and services contained in this blog post does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by XYZ.