
As you can tell, we’re all about teamwork here at .xyz. Our CEO Daniel Negari revealed some of the team’s background in a recent blog post, aptly titled: The team that is changing the internet. Just like any other venture or project, collaboration gives you huge strides towards innovation and success. For today’s #WebsiteWednesday, that’s exactly the theme we’re going with: collaboration.

We’re introducing two sites that are taking a new approach on the familiar subjects of business and dance. Taking collaboration and the advantages of the internet hand-in-hand, these sites are paving the way and building their own genres of websites. And they’re in both very different industries. Their commonality? Their .xyz domain, of course!

We love talking about our favorite .xyz websites, but we’re going to hand the reins over to the creators this time. How they describe their sites is a must-read! Be sure to check out their sites for the full deets. – Go France Domains customer (United Sates)


is a collection of vetted experts, in unique areas that offer information and services to make managing your business and interacting with your clients more impactful. We also offer a little candy that will help make your clients even stickier.

IRIS is not about the people behind it, it’s about all of the experts on the site sharing their knowledge and giving you something new and different to absorb and think about. Pardon us if we’re a little disruptive along the way—after all, we do want your attention. – Dreamhost customer (United States)



xyz nyc is a new approach to modern dance-making in New York City. Bringing the choreographic process to a reality-TV-inspired format, we invite modern dance-makers to meet for the first time and create an entirely new performance-ready piece in a single week.

The dance audience community needs new life, too. How do we open up our community in a welcoming way? How do we address the common feeling that modern, avant-garde dance is confusing, boring, and impossible to “get” (unless one has a degree in dance) without compromising the integrity of the work? xyz nyc encompasses dances in a format familiar to almost everyone- a television game show.

What do you think of this week’s #WebsiteWednesday, #GenXYZ? Drop us a line on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and let us know what you’re thinking!

Until next time!

XYZ is proud to share about the many incredible members that make up the XYZ community! We encourage you to do your own research before using the products and services of the websites we feature. The information about products and services contained in this blog post does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by XYZ.

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» The next generation of 3D design