
MindTheGap.xyz1&1 customer (Netherlands)

The longevity of a business, regardless of its age, relies on the ability to continuously innovate. In today’s fast-paced environment, businesses truly set themselves apart by expanding upon their initial idea and launching entirely new products and services. With the focus entrepreneurs have on their own vision, it can be easy to miss key opportunities to gauge how their product will be received in the market. Luckily for them, this week’s #WebsiteWednesday will make sure any business is ready to succeed as soon as their product hits the market:


Mind the Gap is a product development company that helps businesses reach their full potential by offering design consulting and market testing for products and services. With over 10 years of experience working on projects for clients like TomTom, Mind the Gap helps companies strategically develop ideas by utilizing a comprehensive design process. This process includes storyboards, UI flows, and concept testing coupled with market research, so their clients have the information they need to ensure a successful launch.

Mind the Gap also applies their innovative design strategy to their own original projects. One example is their Colorburgers project, which celebrates cultures from around the globe using one of the most common food items in the world: the hamburger. The first installment featured a burger inspired by the cuisine and culture of Angola, which gave event attendees a taste of the country while also educating them about its history and people.

“If you’ve ever taken the tube in London, you’ll be familiar with ‘Mind the Gap’ as a regular reminder to help you step over the narrow space between the train and the platform. Gaps, as such, are spaces between things, people or knowledge; with this they represent something missing or challenging, but also present exciting opportunities for new ideas and innovation.” – Nina Voege, Founder of

By identifying unsolved problems in the market and presenting creatively designed solutions for them, helps businesses and entrepreneurs bring innovative new tools into our everyday lives. Like XYZ, Mind the Gap supports companies with great ideas and helps share them with a global audience. It’s fitting they chose the only domain that matches their passion to connect people and ideas across the globe – .xyz.

XYZ is proud to share about the many incredible members that make up the XYZ community! We encourage you to do your own research before using the products and services of the websites we feature. The information about products and services contained in this blog post does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by XYZ.

« China Blog Series:,, & more: & auction results (October 2016)
» Return the love that dogs and cats give us every day in this week’s #WebsiteWednesday