Welcome to XYZ’s China Blog Series, dedicated to our loyal supporters in China. Click here to read this post in English.
随着我们在中国的发展壮大,我们要确保大家能在第一时间获得 .xyz的精彩新闻和动态。所以我们很高兴地宣布北京爱克司科技有限公司微信公众号已获得认证!
同时,也别忘了加入我们的QQ官方群:295605448 以及关注我们的微博。最后,我们第一版中文网站也已准备就绪,一旦上线我们将以通讯推送形式通知大家。
As we continue our push to expand in China, we want to make sure that we keep everyone updated on the latest exciting .xyz news and events. That is why we are happy to announce that our Chinese business entity, Beijing XYZ Technology Co.LTD, is now WeChat verified!
Follow our official WeChat account to read about everything below…in Chinese!
Also, don’t forget to follow us on our official QQ account (295605448) and at www.Weibo.com/genxyz! Lastly, we are excited to announce that the first version of our Chinese website is almost ready. We will make an announcement in our newsletter once this is live.
All of these initiatives are part of our plans to rapidly expand in China during the coming year. As we have said before, China is one of XYZ’s most important markets, which is why we are investing more money than ever to grow with our registrar partners in the region.
We’re looking forward to chatting with our followers on WeChat! Scan the QR code below to get started:
XYZ is proud to share about the many incredible members that make up the XYZ community! We encourage you to do your own research before using the products and services of the websites we feature. The information about products and services contained in this blog post does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by XYZ.