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AI and web3 developers are using .xyz domains to leverage the latest technologies and provide useful solutions. NFT platform is aimed at providing users with a new tool for generating AI-powered animated avatars. Tech startup’s AI platform aims to make it easy to access and leverage web3 data. Dashboard builder is designed to make chart building easier for non-technical team members. In this week’s #AIMonday, we’ll introduce you to an AI-backed platform aimed at helping developers to access and utilize cross-chain data:

Introducing Airstack: Aiming to revolutionize web3 development with AI-power is the online home of Airstack, an AI-powered web3 developer platform aimed at revolutionizing the way developers build composable applications. Composable applications are applications built by combining modular and interoperable components or smart contracts on the web3 or blockchain ecosystem. With its natural language cross-blockchain developer application programming interfaces (APIs), Airstack enables developers to query, combine, and integrate on-chain, off-chain, cross-chain, and cross-dapp data into their applications using GraphQL or natural language searches. Natural language searches help developers to use everyday language to retrieve information from different data sources. It simplifies the development process and makes it easier for developers to access and use data in their applications. On May 17, 2023, Airstack successfully raised over $7 million in pre-seed funding, with early stage web3-focused investment firm leading the extension of the funding round. The funding will go towards Airstack’s mission of empowering developers to harness cross-chain data through natural language requests backed by AI.1

Striving to simplify data discovery and consumption in the web3 ecosystem

The platform aims to simplify the process of discovering and consuming data from the web3 ecosystem via APIs. CEO and founder Jason Goldberg envisions a future where developers can leverage a plug-and-play model facilitated by companies like Airstack, eliminating the need to start from scratch when piecing together different infrastructures and tools. As he emphasized to the press, “Our focus for the next year is developers, developers, developers.”

Blending web2 and web3 technologies for Airstack’s vision

To work towards their goals, Airstack adopts a combination of web2 and web3 technologies. On the web3 side, Airstack makes use of subgraph and substream technology, which helps handle large amounts of real-time data effectively. For the backend, Airstack stores data using a cloud system like AWS, striving for speedy and reliable performance. While the initial priority is to deliver an excellent experience for developers, Airstack has plans to gradually decentralize its infrastructure in the future.

Growing developer adoption: Airstack’s journey since launch

Since launching in April, Airstack has attracted more than 200 developers who have utilized the platform for various projects, ranging from marketing engines and decentralized finance (DeFi) portfolio optimizers to customer resource management tools, advertising platforms, and decentralized social and messaging applications. 

Data integration and querying with Airstack

Airstack aims to help facilitate data integration and querying, and shares on that its app can “instantly integrate on-chain and off-chain data into any application.” Developers can use a single query to access and combine data from different sources, including on-chain, off-chain, cross-chain, and cross-application data. For instance, developers can use natural language queries to retrieve specific information, like getting details about MATIC token holders (the native cryptocurrency of the Polygon network) who own at least 10,000 MATIC, including their token balances and ENS (Ethereum Name Service) registrations.

Airstack’s future plans and pricing model 

Airstack currently offers its services free of charge, although the company plans to introduce a pricing model in the future. The platform is aiming to revolutionize the web3 development landscape by helping to empower developers to integrate and query data from various sources. We look forward to more developments. You can learn more by following Airstack on Twitter @airstack_xyz and by visiting


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