
To celebrate the Chinese New Year for one of our most important markets, we have started a new blog series to honor our loyal supporters in China. Scroll down to read the full post in English.


本周我们要来祝贺一些西数拍卖赢家来欢迎春天的到来。首先我们要祝贺买家, 用15.8万赢得这极品域名给我们拍卖开了个好兆头。接下来的几天,跟着外面的天气一样变暖,拍卖的热度也一直在升。在48小时后,就差一个数字的 51.xyz标到30万结拍!真是个我爱我要的好兆头!

从这次拍卖中,我们也看到很多极品英文单词被高价赢走。比如 我们相信这证明.xyz不仅仅获得中国人的认可,很多外国投资者也非常认可并且参与这次的拍卖。我们想祝贺hot.xyz的买家在5万3赢得单词域名。这让我们心中热腾腾的尽兴。


拍卖只剩7天了,不要错过余下的极品域名争夺,如,,,和,没有保留价。许多这些域名都是很好的交易而切拍卖赢到的域名都会转换成普通续费。如果您对拍卖的域名有任何问题,您可以发邮件到[email protected].

最后别忘了,我们的中国合作伙伴提供特价.xyz域名在本周结束。现在就采取行动吧! logo width= logo logo

Spring has Sprung and we are celebrating with some auction results

Spring has sprung; flowers are blooming; the weather is warmer; and days grow longer, giving us more time to enjoy being outdoors after a long winter’s hibernation. Spring has always been a great time to celebrate because it is the time of growth and renewal. So here at XYZ, how can we not welcome this auspicious season with a celebration (of Chinese investors acquiring great .xyz domains!)?

This week we are celebrating springtime with some notable results from the first week of the auction. To start, we would like to congratulate the winner of for kicking off the auction with a winning bid of 158,000RMB ($24,211) on the very first day! Just like the temperature outside, things just got hotter from there. In 48 hours, a similar 2-number domain,, sold at nearly double the price for 300,000RMB ($46,327.04)! Now that’s 51 (and 52) reasons to celebrate!

We are also seeing valuable English terms such as and go for great prices. We believe this indicates that .xyz is not only quickly gaining acceptance in China, but is also rapidly gaining recognition with international investors as well. We want to congratulate the winner of with the winning the bid of 53,000RMB ($8,190.07). That’s a HOT bargain if we ever saw one.

If results keep going the way they are, this auction could be a record-breaking event for .xyz. The interest for these .xyz domains will continue to increase as more international investors become involved in this exclusive auction. In less than 24 hours of kicking off the auction, bidding for reached 1.02 million RMB! But you don’t have to break the bank, there are many more short and memorable domains left. So if you haven’t started bidding yet, be sure to register an account at to start bidding! AND remember, as an added bonus, domains sold at this auction will renew for standard fees, rather than premium renewal prices! (Spring is, after all, the time of renewal.)

With only 7 days left in this auction, don’t miss out on the remaining great domains up for grabs, such as,,, and, at no reserve. Many of these domains could be a great bargain (remember, domains won at auction will only renew for standard fees!). Please contact us at [email protected] if you need any help bidding or setting up an account.

Lastly, don’t forget, our Chinese partners are offering a special promotion for .xyz domains that ends this week. Act now before this promotion ends! logo width= logo logo

If you were at SXSW 2016, chances are you saw the #XYZSquad all over the city…literally everywhere – we covered a total of 60 miles during our weekend in Austin. Having attended SXSW the past 2 years, our #XYZSquad has become quite recognizable in their purple suits. However, this year they left a lasting impression on attendees by sparking a 3D fashion statement.


Last week, we introduced our secret XYZ 3D Lab (read the full blog post here) to attendees by handing out thousands of custom 3D glasses while the #XYZSquad was parkouring throughout Austin. Everywhere they went they left a Hansel and Gretel trail of people rocking some red, blue, and purple shades.


At an event as creative and innovative as SXSW, how can 3D glasses NOT become an immediate fashion trend?! Not only were the glasses a huge hit for style points, but they also grant access into the XYZ 3D Lab. The popularity of our 3D Lab shows that this year’s SXSW crowd has spoken – blue and red glasses are back in style.

SXSW has always been one of our favorite events, and this year it was better than ever. The combination of everyone in their 3D glasses, the excitement around at SXSW, plus getting to meet so many amazing .xyz fans all over Austin made 2016 a tough year to beat…

So we can’t wait to see what SXSW 2017 will bring!

Check out our Facebook page for the full SXSW 2016 photo album! If you were lucky enough to run into the #XYZSquad but don’t see your picture in the album, drop us a line on Facebook or tweet at @XYZ – the more the merrier!

To celebrate the Chinese New Year for one of our most important markets, we have started a new blog series to honor our loyal supporters in China. Scroll down to read the full post in English.






第三,ICANN, 简单说就是一个域名管理和运营组织, 必须先通过合同变化,允许在中国注册技术方案。








现在还有我们合作的注册商提供.xyz域名优惠。马上行动,不要等到全部好的域名被别人抢走! logo width= logo logo

Big News: XYZ Reaches Major Milestones in Accreditation Process

To all of our Chinese followers: Big news! We would like to announce we have taken MAJOR steps toward accreditation in China, which is on track for this year. This has been a long process, and we have crossed three of the five hurdles needed for full accreditation in China.

First, a brief overview of the accreditation process (we promise it won’t bore you):

Step 1. The registry must form a Chinese business entity to operate in China.

Step 2. The Chinese business must obtain a Chinese business license.

Step 3. ICANN, the governing body over naming on the internet, must approve the contractual changes to allow registry’s technical solution in China.

Step 4. ICANN then must successfully test the registry’s technical solution in China.

Step 5. Lastly, the registry must apply (through its Chinese business entity) for accreditation through the Chinese Government.

Whew, end of technical talk!

We are happy to announce that Steps 1 and 2 have been completed! We have fully formed our Chinese business entity and obtained our business license, which means that we will be able to operate as a business in China. This is a major accomplishment and the product of nearly a year of hard work. But our Chinese friends are worth it! Check out our shiny new business license:


We have also checked off Step 3. We have executed an amendment to our Registry Agreement with ICANN to operate our registry services in China. We are the ONLY foreign registry operator to receive this mandatory permission from ICANN. That means we are closer to becoming fully accredited than any other non-Chinese new domain extension using a gateway model to operate in China.

With three of the five steps completed, we are now underway with Step 4. Testing is going as planned and we look forward to becoming accredited in 2016. We expect adoption to skyrocket once we receive approval, so be sure to register your .xyz domains now before someone else does! Click here to see a list of and domains available now for standard fees, or bid on over 150 .xyz domains that are being sold for no reserve in our exclusive auction (visit for English). For more information about the auction, please read our complete announcement here.

Our Chinese partners are also currently offering a special promotion for .xyz domains for a limited time. Act now before someone else snatches up that perfect domain! logo width= logo logo

SXSW is one of the annual hubs for creativity and innovation. This year, the #XYZsquad wanted to do something special to showcase some of the amazing projects we’ve seen from #GenXYZ. Thus sparked the creation of the XYZ 3D Lab!


With the custom made XYZ 3D shades (courtesy of the #XYZsquad), visitors can dive into our groundbreaking, three dimensional universe and take part in a challenge based on some of our favorite #WebsiteWednesdays. Using the hidden clues throughout the page, contestants can enter for a chance to win free prizes. Plus, how often do you get to enjoy an epic 3D experience without having to go to the IMAX theatre?

Does the concept of a 3D website sound familiar? That’s probably because you may have stumbled upon our corporate site,, in the past. After receiving so much positive feedback about the 3D XYZ logo and web design, we decided to go all out. And we didn’t stop at just the 3D Lab – check out our new 3D signage!


Electrifying 3D universe of innovative .xyz websites? Sounds like the place to be! But don’t take our word for it – check out the 3D lab for yourself at and let us know what you think.

Didn’t get a pair of 3D glasses but still want to win great prizes? Once you sign up for the 3D Lab, share this article on Twitter and tag us (@XYZ) and we’ll get back to you on how you can score your 3D shades.

Stay tuned for next week’s recap of all the shenanigans our #XYZsquad got into at SXSW2016!

Tonight marks the first day of the exclusive auction with, where over 150 premium .xyz domains can be won at no reserve. The auction starts at 9:00pm PDT (04:00 UTC / 12:00 CST) on March 15, with staggered end times ranging from March 16 – March 31. The auction will feature some of the best .xyz names that have been removed from our premium list (meaning they will renew for standard fees), including:

Those interested in bidding are encouraged to sign up at before the auction commences to ensure a timely registration (remember to fund your account for refundable security deposits – signup/bidding instructions can be found here). To learn more about this auction, read our full announcement at

If you have any questions regarding signup/bidding process or about the auction in general, contact [email protected] with your inquiries.