Blog and customer (Philippines)

You’re in for a special treat this week, #GenXYZ. We’re giving you a double dose of #WebsiteWednesday by highlighting two sites that are reshaping the way we use resources and helping to build a sustainable future: and

Some of you may have recognized these two sites share a familiar brand to a past #WebsiteWednesday site, That’s because,, and are all projects launched by Bainbridge MP, a tech investment company from the Philippines seeking to support technologies that will bring impactful change to the most basic global problems. Bainbridge uses each specific “NxtLvl” .xyz site to explain the goals of that project, the methods they will use to accomplish those goals, and how you can get involved. is aimed at tackling the clean water crisis in developing countries, where water is too expensive, too difficult to access, too poor quality to safely drink, and too harmful to the environment. By using small scale solutions like modularized water production units, as well as large scale solutions like bespoke water production systems, all of which are capable of running off of renewable energy up to 100%. is designed to improve the quality and accessibility of produce in the Philippines, which they are doing with their organic and non-GMO products that are grown indoors away from pests, meaning no pesticides. These vegetables can be delivered within 24 hours, ensuring freshness, and are also grown with little impact on the environment.,, and are inspiring projects not simply because of the huge scope of the problems they’ve chosen to take on, but also because the positive changes they’re creating will benefit many generations to come. Dreaming big and think globally are hallmark qualities of #GenXYZ, and these three .xyz sites stands as a great example for internet users around the world to follow.

CultivateMe.xyzTucows customer (United States)

Every company functions differently. Some have manuals full of rules and instructions down to the most minimal detail, while some are lax and let employees manage themselves. This range allows people to find a company structure that may best fit their personality. But no matter your preference or style, it always helps teams work better when they know what their job actually is. And for managers, it’s always a struggle to lead a team while also helping your employees to grow and develop. The team at thinks they’ve cracked the code on organization, motivation, and progress for companies. And the best part? You can create an account for free!

This business product is aiming to help you maximize the talent in your team by creating a “mastery machine”. claims that high turnover creates a major cost to companies and that sometimes replacing an employee can cost even more than their salary. So using their product to build your own personal mastery machine allows you to improve employee talent while also helping to turn employees into long-term team members. Their program is decided on by 5 major questions:

  1. What’s my job?
  2. What skills should I improve on next?
  3. How do I learn them?
  4. How do I stick with it?
  5. How do I know I’m better?

Having each person answer these questions allows your team to have clear responsibilities, know where to go next, and stay motivated by seeing their improvements. gathers all this information and displays it in a very visually pleasing “Iris” like the one pictured above. According to, “an Iris is like a selfie of your skills.” They also supply you with management coaching to teach your managers to coach people in 15 minutes or less.

Think this is something your company can benefit from? Then sign up right away here. Once you’re signed up make sure to check out their beginner guide here. is another fantastic example of a #GenXYZ member using their .xyz domain to help other people to better themselves, while running a successful business. The team here at XYZ has an amazing work environment, and we know can help other teams work just as great as us! Think you have an awesome business idea? Get your own .xyz domain ASAP, and get to work!

Today marks the launch of the XYZ Quarterly, a magazine recapping everything XYZ has been up to since the start of the new year. From our team attending 7 events in 3 different countries, to .xyz adopters securing a combined $5,000,000 in funding for their businesses, to our registry welcoming around 500,000 new registrations across our portfolio of TLDs, we have a lot to fill you in on.

In the first edition of the XYZ Quarterly, you’ll find helpful facts and figures about our start to the year, take a look at the events and marketing initiatives we’ve been a part of so far in 2018, and get to know the faces of some featured #GenXYZ members and XYZ registrar/reseller partners. We’ve had an amazing start to the year, and we can’t wait to share it all with you in the new XYZ Quarterly!

When you want to build a website, choosing a domain name is the first, and possibly most important, decision you need to make. No matter if you’re building a website for your business or organization, or just want to create a website to show off some of your hobbies, choosing a domain name shouldn’t hold you up from getting your website up and running. Below are some helpful tips to follow to make sure you choose a domain name that’s perfect for you so you can get to building your website quicker.

1. Shorter is better

Short domain names are: a) easy to remember, b) easier to spell correctly, c) faster to type, d) easier to read, e) fit better on advertisements or business cards.

In a past study done on the top 1 million websites as ranked by Alexa, Gaebler found that sites became less popular as their character length increased, and the top 10,000 domains in the list had 8 characters or less. So, if you choose a domain name that is short, you’ll be much better off in the long run.

2. Make it brandable

If you’re choosing a domain name for your business, go with your company name over something generic about your product. This will also help you keep things shorter and more memorable, which is easier to promote.

3. Avoid hyphens and numbers

Choosing a domain name with hyphens or numbers may seem like an easy workaround to getting a shorter domain, but these make the domain harder to type and remember. Numbers cause confusion (is it spelled out or just the number?) and hyphens can easily be forgotten when someone is typing out your domain name.

4. Secure Keyword Domains

In some industries, the majority of a company’s business will come from online leads, so having specific keywords in your domain can help you rank higher in searches for that product or service. For example, you can register for your plumbing service, instead of settling for something like

5. Use your location

If you’re creating your website for a localized audience, you can connect with them by including your city or state in your domain. Securing or not only show that regional audience that you are serving them, but can also help you improve your organic search rankings.

6. Get a domain to match your social media handles

One of the essential places to promote your site will be on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Unfortunately, just as it can be a struggle to get the domain that matches your brand before it’s gone, the same is true for getting your social media handles.

Using your domain extension in your social media profiles (like or ensures you’ll get the handle that matches your brand, and also doubles as a promotion of your website.

7. Do your research

Before you choose a domain and put down the money to register it, make sure that the name you want isn’t trademarked or copyrighted by someone else. You could end up dealing with a legal battle for the domain and potentially lose it for good.

To be safe, check that the domain you want to choose isn’t something already registered in the Trademark Clearing House.

8. Protect your brand

On the flip side, if you have trademarked your business name or slogan, make sure you’ve secured the domain to match it. As mentioned in the last tip, there are legal avenues to follow if bad actor is using a domain named after a trademark you own, but it’s easier to avoid the whole mess in the first place by securing your brand and registering your names before the bad actor can even get to it. Plus, if you’re struggling to choose a domain name, it’s always a no-brainer to register your brand name and trademarks!

Choosing a domain name can seem like a daunting task, but following these tips will ensure that you choose the domain name that’s perfect for you, and one that you will be happy with for as long as you own it. Feeling like your ready to choose a domain name and get your website online? Get your own .xyz domain for just $1 with promo code “NAMEXYZ” at checkout.

If you missed any of our past Internet “How-Tos” on ‘How to build a website’ and ‘How to design your site using “mobile first”’, be sure to catch up on them and make sure you’re prepared to not only choose a domain name, but build a fantastic website on your domain! We’ll see you again next month with a new helpful internet “How-To”!

Fluxauto.xyzGoDaddy customer (India)

In the classic film Back to the Future, they travel through time to the year 2015 where they witness tons of futuristic gadgets, including flying cars. While we aren’t quite at flying cars yet, the world is making many advances in the world of self-driving technology. In the past, we’ve brought you our own, creators of the self-driving delivery robot. But now we’re excited to bring you another .xyz member in the autonomous industry: is 16-person startup based in Bangalore. They were excited about the new opportunity of commercial companies using self-driving vehicles but discovered that major companies like Uber and Tesla are developing vehicles and technology that are far too expensive for most trucking companies to use. So the team set out to develop their own affordable tech that can allow any type of truck to be turned into a self-driving vehicle. The company plans to have 2500 of their kits in vehicles by August 2018. is already receiving a ton of attention from news outlets such as TechCrunch and The Economic Times, and came in 9th place for TECH30’s 2017 “Top 30 promising technology startups from India”.

To see in action you can check out their test footage video here. We love seeing another #GenXYZ member not only developing the future of technology, but also using their skills to benefit less financially-able companies. We’re always looking for more innovators like, so if you fit the bill go ahead and lock down your .xyz domain now! And keep on the lookout for more great #GenXYZ members every Wednesday.