
24 Search Results for “icann”

After a busy January, the XYZ Team finally got a chance to catch their breath before hosting an event of our own later this month. However, that doesn’t mean that we didn’t go anywhere in February! Check out our RSA recap and a list of events to look forward to in March.

RSA Conference 2017

The RSA Conference took place in San Francisco last month, and Team XYZ was in attendance representing .Security and .Protection domains. RSA is one of the leading cyber-security conferences in the world, with over 45,000 security professionals in attendance this year.


The event gave the XYZ Team a chance to meet with businesses and industry insiders about the benefits and best practices for .Security and .Protection. More importantly, this was an opportunity for XYZ to further establish itself in the cyber-security space. It’s already well-known that XYZ takes a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of abuse, including spamming, phishing, malware, and other illegal activities. But did you know that .xyz has a lower abuse score than TLDs like .com, .net, and .info? In fact, according to nTLDstats, there is less than 0.03% abuse in the .xyz zone!



Screenshots & stats from, March 5, 2017

We’re very proud of the industry-leading abuse mitigation tool we’ve developed and couldn’t help but to show it off to some of the experts we met at RSA. We explained that by proactively monitoring our zone and analyzing over 100 data points from respected sources like Google and Spamhaus, .xyz has become a safe, reputable namespace that people can confidently conduct business in.

Missed us at RSA? Abuse experts and researchers are encouraged to contact us to discuss partnership opportunities and ways to make the internet safer.


South by Southwest (SXSW) is just around the corner, and the #XYZsquad is gearing up to take over the streets of Austin once again. You might have seen these purple people in the past on the news, at parties, or even leading the SXSW parade.


This year, the #XYZsquad will be handing out thousands of 3D glasses for our exclusive 3D Lab. Best of all, everyone has a chance to win free prizes just by solving the riddles! We also have a festival-wide scavenger hunt in the works that will be taking place throughout Downtown Austin, along with some other new tricks up our purple suit sleeves.

Stay tuned to our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages for more information on the scavenger hunt and live posts from SXSW starting on March 10th!


At the same time that the #XYZsquad is air-flaring and parkouring at SXSW, ICANN 58 will be taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Shayan Rostam will be there to meet with registrars and resellers to discuss our next big marketing campaign, as well as share other exciting news about our domains.

Are you attending ICANN 58? Schedule a meeting with Shayan to discuss marketing and partnership opportunities by contacting us.

Socal Domainers Meetup

Following ICANN, we will be hosting the first ever SoCal Domainers + Southern California Cybersecurity Professionals meetup. Starting at 6:30 on March 30th, everyone from the domain and cybersecurity industries are welcome to stop by for a drink at the XYZ office here in sunny Santa Monica. Although this is the third time we are hosting the event since 2015, it will be the first one since Shepard Fairey and Risk did an original mural on our building.



If you happen to be in the area on March 30th, stop by for a night of food, drinks, and great conversations. Check out the MeetUp page for more information and to reserve your spot at the event!

As you can see, March is going to be an exciting month for us, with a lot planned! If you plan to be at SXSW, ICANN 58, or live in Los Angeles, let us know on Twitter and we’ll arrange a meeting.

We sure had “a whale of a time” at ICANN’s 54th conference in Dublin, Ireland. It feels like just yesterday that we launched .xyz to the world, when in reality there have already been seven ICANN conferences since then!

ICANN, the organization that oversees the entire internet naming system, hosts these global public meetings to discuss how to make the internet a better place. This is also a great opportunity for us to catch up with all of our partners throughout the world.

Across the world to Dublin

Dublin was a nice break from the Southern California heat wave, where we had the opportunity to meet in-person with more than 50 of our partners at the Dublin Convention Centre.


One of the many highlights was the welcome gala at Dublin’s famous Dame Lane. Themed “That Night in Dublin,” we ate and drank the Irish way with other conference attendees.


We also visited Google’s Ireland office, which is punnily located on Google Docks.


If you find yourself in Dublin, Restaurant Patrick Guilbaud is a must-try. We wined and dined with our trusty registrar partners, Namecheap.


And to cap off a successful week, we celebrated Raedene’s birthday, who’s an integral part of the team that supports all of the .xyz backend magic over at CentralNic.


Upcoming launches

With ICANN Dublin in the books, we’re excited to finish off the year with a bang. Not only are we releasing .xyz and .College premiums, we’re also launching our newest additions to the XYZ family: .Cars, .Car, .Auto, .Security, .Protection, and .Theatre.

Want more details on our newest domain offerings? Stay up-to-date with all of the news by signing up for our newsletter and following us at @xyz!

Hey there, #GenXYZ!

For those of you who follow us on Twitter, you already know that we’ve been preparing for ICANN’s huge conference in Los Angeles that began yesterday. THOUSANDS of people are gathering from around the world to take part in ICANN’s conference to discuss major topics that affect the future of the internet. Yes, you heard right – the future of the internet! And of course, the entire Team XYZ will be front and center, all hands on deck, as the conference is taking place on our home turf.

What is ICANN, you ask? ICANN (we pronounce it “eye-can”) is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. In a nutshell, it’s the organization that oversees anything and everything on the domain name system and strives for a stable and unified global internet.

First of all, without ICANN, we wouldn’t have you, #GenXYZ! ICANN rolled out the new domain extension program back in 2011, allowing for CEO and Founder Daniel Negari to bring .xyz to the world.

These conferences cover topics like new domain extensions, all the way to general internet outreach in emerging markets. Best of all, ICANN conferences are open to the public! If you’re interested in these topics (or just want to hang out with Team XYZ), stop by #ICANN51 in Hyatt Regency Century Plaza.

Not in LA? No worries! Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and we’ll keep you updated on all the .xyz activity at ICANN. Keep your eyes peeled for some purple fun :)

Big, big news, #GenXYZ!

We’re happy to announce that .xyz Founder Daniel Negari and ICANN officially executed our Registry Agreement this week! This means we’re one huge step closer to launching the most flexible, memorable, and affordable domain names on the planet next year.

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to have a three-letter Twitter handle, we can tell you firsthand that it’s awesome. That’s because we just scored @xyz. Same great tweets and breaking news, just a new and improved name. Be sure to follow our new account so you don’t miss out on our upcoming promotions and announcements.

One last thing – we’ve been talking with some media outlets and expect a few great articles to be published in the next few days. Keep an eye out for them because they’re sure to generate a lot of buzz!

That’s it for now, #GenXYZ. Stay posted on all things .xyz by following us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

Guess what, #GenXYZ!

We’ve got a juicy new video interview for you to check out on TheDomains starring ICANN’s poster boy, .xyz Founder Daniel Negari. As part of their new global awareness campaign, Daniel was the first operator featured in ICANN’s interview series to “provide insight into the individual story of a TLD, or portfolio of TLDs, the inspiration behind it and how they see it being used.” Domain Name Wire also has an article explaining ICANN’s new video project, make sure you check it out!

We know a lot of you out there are curious about Team XYZ. Thanks to Morgan Linton, you can now take a peek into our LA offices and get a taste of our day-to-day. Check out Morgan’s tour of our office and thoughts on the team. Thanks for stopping by, Morgan!

Make sure you also check out our new landing page on 101domain. We’re thrilled that so many of our registrar partners are sharing .xyz with the world. Don’t forget to pre-register your .xyz domain today.

Before we go, we wanted to let you know that the XYZ Store is almost sold out! Make sure you grab one of these first run t-shirts before they’re all gone. Our team of designers is hard at work on some new products, so stay tuned for the next round of merch.

Let us know what you think of the .xyz crib on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and don’t forget to tag us with #GenXYZ.

Good news, Generation XYZ®. ICANN approved .xyz’s initial evaluation as one of the latest new top level domain extensions on Friday, August 9th. You can read the full press release here. What does that mean? In short, it means we are right on track to launch .xyz next year. Don’t worry, we’ve got more than a few tricks up our sleeve to keep you busy until then!

Team XYZ has been working behind the scenes lately on some fun new surprises for our fans. That’s why we’re happy to announce that users can now watch .xyz on their favorite registrar’s website and be the first to know when their domains of choice will be available. Explore the full list by heading over to On most of the registrar site, such as, you can find .xyz in the “generic” category or by doing an extension search.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more updates. You can also learn more about our other exciting new project, .College, here.

This press release was originally published on, and has been republished here.

XYZ Registry, the owner and operator of the popular .xyz domain name, is beginning the countdown to its decade-iversary. Over ten chapters, journey through a decade of innovation with .xyz. From its ambitious inception to quickly becoming a leader in the domain industry, each press release will unveil a year of .xyz’s history, challenges, and triumphs. See all chapters as they unfold:

This is the story of .xyz—a story about pushing boundaries and redefining how the world connects online.

XYZ Registry Celebrates a Decade of Innovation

Chapter 1: Before XYZ, Reflecting on the Pioneering Years (2012-2014)

XYZ Registry Celebrates a Decade of Innovation
As XYZ Registry approaches its 10th-anniversary celebration, we take a nostalgic journey back to the early years of .xyz. From its inception, .xyz has been at the forefront of revolutionizing the Internet’s domain name system, offering choice and accessibility in domain names for all businesses and individuals worldwide.

A Bold Beginning (BXYZ – 2012)

Born in 1985, the same year as the iconic .COM domain, our founder Daniel Negari embarked on a visionary quest in the late 1990s. Faced with the scarcity of available .COM domains, Daniel found himself stuck with longer, less desirable options. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to conceptualize the idea of creating a new country code TLD by acquiring his own country, and strategically renaming it to a generic term. After failing to acquire a country, Daniel founded XYZ.COM LLC, poised to seize an opportunity in the new generic top-level domain landscape. The birth of .xyz was fueled by a vision to “reset the internet” and introduce much-needed competition with the most generic domain ending ever – .xyz.

After investing $185,000 in the application fee and establishing a strategic partnership with CentralNic, XYZ caught the attention of global media outlets. XYZ’s ambition and potential began to emerge. Historic coverage from VentureBeat,, and the BBC, highlighted .xyz’s universal appeal and its potential to disrupt traditional domain extensions like .com. Daniel’s foresight in recognizing the need for a universal, memorable, and affordable domain option laid the foundation for .xyz to usher in a new era of identity.

ICANN Approval and Public Interest (2013)

In 2013, a pivotal milestone was reached as ICANN approved the .xyz domain. Initial skepticism from traditional stakeholders gradually gave way to intrigue as .xyz gained traction, thanks to strategic marketing efforts by the XYZ Team.

Rapid Expansion and Market Leadership (2014)

The year 2014 marked the general availability of .xyz, with the first-ever domain public registration being The official launch on June 2nd ignited explosive growth for .xyz, making it the first new generic top-level domain (gTLD) to surpass 750,000 registrations. The launch campaign “Pressing the reset button on the internet” resonated globally, with .xyz being adopted in over 200 languages and capturing the imagination of a diverse audience. Strategic sponsorships, including support for the New Zealand Olympic Bobsled team, and strategic acquisitions like Yahoo’s former office space in Santa Monica, underscored the domain’s rising influence and the successful execution of XYZ’s vision.

Looking Forward

As we delve deeper into the journey of .xyz, the next chapter will transport us to the transformative year of 2015 – with unprecedented milestones and significant growth that defined the trajectory of the .xyz domain. From landmark .xyz websites and industry impact, to expanding the portfolio and a lawsuit from .com, Chapter 2 will unveil the remarkable breakthroughs and recognitions that propelled XYZ Registry to new heights.

See all chapters as they unfold:

Stay connected with XYZ’s latest ventures by subscribing to their newsletter.

About XYZ

XYZ stands at the forefront of technological innovation, providing a diverse array of domain name options, including the globally popular .xyz. The registry’s impressive portfolio spans across domains such as .Cars, .Car, and .Auto, .College, .Rent, .Security, .Protection, .Theatre, .Storage, .Baby, .Monster, .Beauty, .Hair, .Skin, .Makeup, .Quest,.Homes, .Autos, .Motorcycles, .Boats, .Yachts, .Tickets, .Game, .Guitars, .Audio, .Christmas, .Diet, .Flowers, .Hosting, .Pics, .Mom, .LOL, .Lat, and .CEO. Discover more about XYZ at

We’re thrilled to mark a significant milestone today – the 9th anniversary of .xyz’s launch! We’re incredibly grateful for the vibrant .xyz community that has evolved alongside us. Together, we’ve achieved remarkable accomplishments and created an online space that embodies the endless possibilities of the digital world.
Celebrating 9 Years of .xyz.
Over the years, .xyz has experienced an extraordinary surge in popularity. This meteoric rise has not only reshaped the digital landscape but has positioned .xyz as a true pioneer and symbol of innovation.

At the heart of our success lies the incredible individuals who make up the .xyz community. Our community is a diverse tapestry of entrepreneurs, artists, developers, and dreamers, all coming together to push the boundaries of what’s possible online. It is through their unwavering dedication and pioneering spirit that .xyz has become synonymous with freedom and versatility on the internet.

XYZ Registry Domains Report, and the rise of “AI”

XYZ Registry Domains Report, and the rise of AI
We’ve been very excited this year to witness the integration of AI-related platforms building homes on .xyz and XYZ Registry domains, like .Game and .Quest. In just six months, “AI” has risen to claim the top spot among .xyz domain name registrations, reflecting the growing influence of artificial intelligence in our digital world. Artificial intelligence has revolutionized industries, transforming the way we live and paving the way for a future that was once only imaginable in science fiction. With .xyz leading the charge, these cutting-edge platforms are reshaping the landscape of home automation, robotics, and AI, empowering users to embrace a world of endless possibilities. Don’t miss our upcoming new weekly series #AIMonday, where we will highlight .xyz websites such as and that offer a wide range of AI technologies aimed at helping businesses and individuals automate processes and gain a competitive edge.

Freshly funded startups using XYZ Domains

At XYZ Registry, we’re excited by the numerous ventures in our dynamic .xyz community securing significant investments. These successes highlight just one facet of our community’s entrepreneurial spirit and drive. .XYZ is home to innovation, attracting visionary minds who disrupt industries. Check out our monthly XYZ Registry Domains Report to learn more about these cool successes. Here are some of the top raises we’ve seen this year:

  • Web3 startup raised $50 million in a Series A round led by Blockchain Capital
  • Berlin-based DeFi startup raised $22.5 million in a financing round led by Pantera Capital
  • Developer Keone Hon’s tech startup raised $19M in seed funding (led by to help grow its smart contract platform and improve the Ethereum space
  • Technology company raised $17M in seed funding to expand operations and its business reach
  • Tech entrepreneur Ben Milne’s DeFi startup has raised $11.1M to invest in research and development while supporting its regulatory efforts in the United States
  • Dispersion Capital ( launched a $40M fund to invest in decentralized infrastructure

9 Years, 25.2 Trillion Queries to .xyz domains

One of the earmarks of growth and usage in a Top Level Domain like .xyz is the amount of visits or “DNS queries” going to all live domains ending in .xyz. A DNS query happens when you type a domain name into your browser, or click on a link, and your browser sends a request to the Domain Name Service (DNS) to lookup the website files, so that it can display the website for you. For example, if you visit,, and, those queries are all counted towards the total DNS queries for the .xyz TLD. Queries are counted when users visit websites, and they are also counted when websites are “visited” programmatically, such as when they are crawled by Google for indexing.

You can track the level of DNS activity on .xyz domain names by examining ICANN’s monthly registry activity reports. Looking at “dns-udp-queries-received,” you can gauge the level of interest and engagement with .xyz domains, which can indicate their popularity. 

From launch in 2014 to date, the .xyz infrastructure has supported more than 25.2 trillion queries. We have seen steady growth from 4.5 billion queries in 2014, to 1.3 trillion queries in 2022 alone! This stat steadily increases year over year, and as .xyz continues to be the #1 new gTLD in registration numbers, the usage of .xyz grows even more exponentially.

.Lat, our 34th domain extension

.LAT, our 34th domain extension
In August 2022, we proudly became the next steward for .Lat, a domain extension that embodies the spirit of LATAM pride. .Lat domains offer an inclusive online space, open for registration by individuals or organizations from any location, such as Manuel Zúñiga’s Consultis.Lat, without restrictions. XYZ is deeply committed to fostering the expansion and advancement of online opportunities, not only in Latin America but also across the globe. We recognize the significance of having an affordable, concise, and versatile domain ending that effectively represents Latinos worldwide. By offering .Lat domains, we aim to empower individuals and businesses, like DataGrowth.Lat, to establish a digital presence that authentically reflects their identity and aspirations.

#BlockchainThursday, a blog series devoted to web3

This past year we introduced our latest initiative, the #BlockchainThursday  blog series, which complements our long-standing #WebsiteWednesday series. As the .xyz blockchain community continues to expand, we aim to shine a spotlight on innovative and forward-thinking individuals within our community. Every Thursday, we feature a member of the .xyz blockchain community, such as and, showcasing their groundbreaking work and contributions to the industry. This new series allows us to celebrate the growth and advancements within the blockchain space while highlighting the incredible individuals who are driving its progress. Be sure to check out our #BlockchainThursday series and join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements of our web3-focused community members.

The impact our community continues to have on society is inspiring. Through their innovative technologies, influential works of art and entertainment, and ambitious projects with a global reach, the .xyz community is leaving an indelible mark. From leveraging blockchain technology to enhance security and transparency, to harnessing the power of AI for revolutionizing knowledge management, our community exemplifies the limitless potential of human ingenuity and collaboration.

As we embark on a .Quest towards our 10th year, we remain committed to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and empowered. We deeply appreciate the diverse range of end-users who contribute to our community, as it is through the fusion of different perspectives, backgrounds, and talents that we can truly unlock the internet’s potential. Our ongoing dedication to inclusivity drives us to create tools, resources, and initiatives that cater to the unique needs of each .xyz community member. With our sights set firmly on the future, we eagerly anticipate the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Here’s to another year of trailblazing and shaping the digital world with .xyz!

In addition to advancements in AI and blockchain technology, remarkable achievements are taking place on .xyz in various global markets.  Highlighted here are some of the websites we proudly featured this year:

Accomplished individuals

  •, New York Times video journalist, director, producer, and editor Gabriella Lewis.
  •, Tokyo-based contemporary artist Michael Rikio Ming Hee Ho.
  •, Brooklyn-based Pitchfork writer and editor Jackson Howard. 
  •, actor, creator, entertainer Ace Anderson.
  •, Spain-based freelance blockchain developer Jean Ayala.
  • Alex.Quest, personal website of web developer Alex Haible. 

Aspiring small businesses

  •, a catering and event service tailored for remote teams.
  •, a branding and web design business that strives to create engaging and informative experiences for its clients.
  • Revival.Autos, a car dealership that converts classic cars to electric and upgrades the finish.
  •, a portrait and wedding photography service determined to make sure that the couple getting married enjoy their day to the fullest.
  • Ish.Guitars, a guitar shop with a curated collection of guitars, basses, and amps. 
  •, a content writing business that strives to create “exquisitely crafted content” for its clients.
  •, a private gym aimed at training the creative, entrepreneurial, and professional leaders of New York City. 
  • Grip.Security, a security firm aimed at helping companies modernize their security architecture.
  • AIAIAI.Audio, an audio design company aimed at developing premium audio equipment.

Notable market influencers

  •, a decentralized crypto custodian aiming to revolutionize the way crypto is stored, founded by trailblazing entrepreneur Tux Pacific.
  •, a web3 music technology company aiming to change the way music is distributed, founded by Forbes-featured artist and former staff engineer at Google Brandon Tory.
  •, an NFT project from Recur and, following the success of
  •, a $10 million early-stage venture fund aimed at investing in the next generation of music, led by notable investor Cooper Turley.
  •, a premium coffee brand from Grammy-nominated rapper and entrepreneur Snoop Dogg.

Cutting-edge tech Innovators

  •, a browser-based tool for designing 3D spaces with drag-and-drop functionality, editable objects, and coding.
  • Momi.Baby, an innovative brand that promotes their carefully designed baby bottle.
  •, a multi-feature wearable smart ring designed to help improve physical and mental performance. 
  •, a fintech company providing solutions for founders, with a focus on an automated fundraising tool. 
  • Algo.Monster, an education platform that aims to help you prepare for technical interviews. 
  •, an investment management company aimed at creating a suite of products and solutions that can help anyone with a brokerage account to invest in portfolios of private technology companies.
  • Ferve.Tickets, a ticketing platform with solutions aimed to help you grow your audience.
  • Kipp.Storage, a storage unit platform that shares vacant storage spaces for short or long-term rent.

Innovative blockchain pioneers

  •, a no-code NFT platform aimed at creating a more efficient and fair NFT launch process. In February 2022, when the Russo-Ukrainian War broke out, the founders successfully launched the first-ever government-backed NFT collection to raise funds for the war.
  •, a public benefit corporation building a decentralized form of social media, led by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey.
  • Immortal.Game, a tech startup introducing the game of chess to web3.
  •, a media platform designed to explore the impact of blockchains, the metaverse, artificial intelligence, and the changing evolution of the internet, founded by world-renowned Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest photographer, entrepreneur, and social activist Misan Harriman.
  •, a web3-native publishing platform that helps creators publish blogs and newsletters for virtual communities.  
  •, a smart contract auditing platform aimed at helping to protect users of DeFi platforms.
  • Wolf.Game, a strategic NFT game centered around sheep and wolves.

Visionary AI Leaders and Innovators

  •, an innovative company aimed at leveraging AI technology to revolutionize knowledge management for professionals. 
  •, an AI platform for applications, machine learning, and data science that provides high-performance web3 data.  
  •, an AI blockchain-focused company dedicated to creating a world where the value of AI is directly returned to its contributors, and where AI can be trusted and understood by everyone.
  • ​​, a dashboard builder that is designed to make chart building easier for non-technical team members. 
  • Musicfy.LOL, a music recording platform that helps you enhance and streamline your recording sessions.
  • Kaydo.Tickets, an AI-powered ticket platform that helps you sell tickets under your own brand.

Arts and entertainment tastemakers

  •, an Emmy Award-winning production company founded by film producers Patrick Milling-Smith and Brian Carmody. Some of their most notable work includes producing commercials for brands like Apple, Squarespace, and Smartwater, and directing music videos for artists such as Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Beyoncé, and Jay-Z.
  •, an award-winning creative company founded by creative director Chris Carboni, specializing in animated storytelling. 
  •, a political satirist who showcases his assortment of media appearances, upcoming shows, press clippings, and more.
  •, a gallery platform that presents highly curated generative art on the blockchain for art and design enthusiasts, led by CEO Susannah Maybank and Chairman of the Board Mariam Naficy.

Inspirational changemakers

  •, Brooklyn-based entrepreneur, coach, and educator Matt Gray, who uses his experience and knowledge to help entrepreneurs achieve success.
  •, a Kenya-based company developing a suite of crypto products designed to help increase the number of Africans who can participate in the crypto economy. 
  •, a women and queer-led independent publication aimed at cultivating community through creativity.

XYZ Anti-Abuse

At XYZ Registry, our zero-tolerance stance against abuse is fortified by our Anti-Abuse Technology and partnerships with leading cybersecurity companies like Spamhaus, PhishLabs, and IWF. These partnerships, along with our proprietary tools and user reporting, are crucial in swiftly responding to and mitigating abuse within our zones, ensuring the ongoing safety of the XYZ namespace. By collaborating with cybersecurity partners, we access specialized expertise and resources to effectively detect and address malicious activities.

User reporting serves as a vital source of real-time information, enabling us to promptly investigate and take action against abuse. Together with our partnerships, user reports help aid in detection to swiftly combat phishing, spam, malware, and other violations of our strict Anti-Abuse policies. This collaborative approach strengthens our ability to uphold the integrity of the XYZ namespace and create a safer online environment. 

At XYZ Registry, we prioritize proactive monitoring and rapid response to address abuse, working alongside our partners and users to swiftly mitigate threats and maintain the safety and trustworthiness of our zones.

XYZ provides domains for coders at 262 hackathons around the world, marking a 100%+ increase from last year

In the past year, XYZ has been honored to provide support to 262 hackathons worldwide (more than double the amount as last year!), offering a platform for passionate coders to showcase their innovative ideas online. Through collaborations and unique partnerships, like‘s hackathon management platform TAIKAI, we have actively worked towards inspiring the next generation to pursue leadership roles in the field of STEM. These partnerships exemplify our commitment to empowering generations of internet users, enabling them to transform their dreams into tangible realities. 

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our global community for their unwavering support, as we celebrate our 9-year milestone. None of our achievements would have been possible without you, and we eagerly anticipate many more remarkable accomplishments as we continue this incredible journey together.

As we commemorate our 9th anniversary, we embrace our journey in the ever-evolving digital landscape, offering a truly generic domain for all to build upon. From blockchain to AR/VR, 3D, AI, and machine learning, cutting-edge platforms are building on .xyz domains and reshaping our lives. With excitement for the future, we eagerly anticipate the innovations that await us.

For more from XYZ’s CEO, be sure to check out Daniel’s blog post at

In December 2022, we featured a #BlockchainThursday post about, an initiative aimed at building a decentralized form of social media. The Bluesky initiative was commissioned in 2019 by technology billionaire and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey while he was still the CEO of Twitter. On October 18, 2022, introduced its decentralized social media protocol, named The AT Protocol. They also opened a waitlist for the Bluesky Social app1, designed to serve as a browser with which to access the AT Protocol network. The wait is over, and more and more waitlisted users are receiving access codes and joining the new Bluesky Social platform. A key feature of the platform is the ability to set your own custom domain as your handle.

A custom domain with extensions like .xyz, .LOL, (even .Boats or .Yachts!) can be a fun or irreverent choice for your Bluesky handle. These unique domain extensions add a touch of creativity and personalization to your online presence. If you want to use a .xyz or .LOL or any XYZ Registry domain as your Bluesky handle, here’s how:

Personalizing your social media presence with a custom domain handle

A custom domain is typically associated with representing a website on the internet. However, domains have multiple uses beyond websites. They are also employed for various purposes such as email addresses, online services, and now, even social media handles! Using a domain name as a handle in social media allows you to personalize your online presence with a memorable and unique domain extension like .xyz or .LOL. Instead of relying on traditional usernames, you can leverage the familiarity and versatility of domain names to stand out in the social media landscape. 

Establishing a cohesive online identity with your Bluesky social media handle

Using a domain name as your handle in social media also unlocks valuable benefits. One significant benefit is the opportunity to promote your website seamlessly. By aligning your social media handle with your website’s domain, you create a cohesive brand identity. Every time you engage with others on social media, you are reinforcing your website’s presence, driving traffic, and expanding your online reach. Additionally, using a custom domain as your handle establishes a clear link between your social media profile and your website, proving that both are owned and managed by the same individual or organization. This verification adds authenticity and helps build trust, which can generate credibility among your audience and distinguish you from impersonators. has provided valuable information on using custom domains as handles

How to acquire your custom .xyz, .LOL or other XYZ Registry Domain

To acquire a custom .xyz or .LOL domain, you can purchase one from any ICANN-accredited domain registrar or reseller. When choosing a custom .xyz or .LOL domain, you have the flexibility to explore a wide range of options. You don’t always need to aim for complete uniqueness. In fact, part of the fun is finding the perfect domain that resonates with your personality or brand. Feel free to search for the domain you want, whether it’s a clever phrase, a memorable word, or a playful combination. The availability of domain names with .xyz and .LOL extensions offers exciting opportunities to create a distinct online presence. 

  • Namecheap Logo
  • NameSilo Logo
  • Porkbun Logo
  • Dynadot Logo
  • Logo
  • Alibaba Cloud

How to set your custom .xyz or .LOL domain as your Bluesky Social handle

After registering your custom or .LOL domain, you can set it as your Bluesky Social handle by following these steps:

  1. Open the left side menu in your Bluesky mobile app by clicking your profile picture thumbnail.
  2. Click on “Settings” and scroll down to the “Advanced” section.
  3. Click “Change my handle.”

On the “Change my handle” screen, select “I have my own domain.” The subsequent screen will provide you with the necessary information to add to your domain registrar. 

Go to your domain registrar, such as Namecheap, GoDaddy, or Porkbun, and access the DNS management section for your domain. Add a TXT (text) record using the provided information. The record should have the following details:

  • Domain: _atproto
  • Type: TXT
  • Value field (or data field): did=did:plc:[your value here] 

Once you have added the TXT record, allow a few minutes for the changes to propagate across the internet. Afterward, click “Verify DNS Record” in Bluesky. Check your Bluesky profile to see if your custom .xyz or .LOL domain is now your handle. Please note that DNS propagation may take some time.

Featured .xyz,.LOL, and more custom Bluesky handles has been a great resource for learning about the use of custom domains as handles for Bluesky Social. By following these steps, you can proudly represent yourself on Bluesky with a unique .xyz or .LOL domain as your handle. Enjoy the personalized touch and make your online presence stand out!


October was another action packed month for all of us here at XYZ. Keep reading to see everywhere we went, or check out the video below for all the highlights!

The #XYZsquad dances .College into Philly at Educause 2017

2017 marks the 3rd straight year that we’ve taken .College to Educause, which was held this year in the City of Brotherly Love. And there was plenty of brotherly love spread around to the 4,000+ attendees, especially by the #XYZsquad, whose welcoming personalities helped the .College booth stand out among big names like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon as the hit of the conference. We spoke with hundreds of education industry professionals to help them register their .College domains and get their picture with the #XYZsquad too!

XYZ catches up with Alibaba and in Hangzhou, China

October also brought us an opportunity to connect with one of our leading registrar partners, Alibaba, at their YunQi Conference. It was great to see some familiar faces at the event, not just from Alibaba, but from as well. There were many insightful keynotes and presentations given at the event, so if you missed any be sure to watch the replays here.

Product Forge and XYZ partner to bring innovation to Edinburgh’s tourism industry

Giving the next generation of business leaders around the world a place to show their skills is central in XYZ’s mission to get the next generation online, and our partner Product Forge has helped us accomplish this goal time and again with their hackathons. This month, Product Forge organized the Edinburgh Tourism Challenge Weekend to give Scotland’s bright young minds a crack at improving Edinburgh’s tourism industry. Hackathon attendees put forth dozens of new ways to optimize the city’s tourism industry, and we supported them with free .xyz domains so they can share their ideas with the world (and they received some great free swag to boot). Check out the hackathon recap video below to see all the action, and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on all the ways we support #GenXYZ!

XYZ travels to Abu Dhabi for ICANN 60

ICANN’s events have given Team XYZ the chance to travel around the world, and this month we made the trip from LA all the way to Abu Dhabi, where we met with over 30 of our partners. We shared the exciting news about both .Storage and the 1.111B® Class officially launching, and also planned some exciting new initiatives for 2018.

Majesty Alliance shares the story of .XYZ’s success

Last month we previewed an interview we were happy to have with Majesty Alliance, and we’re excited to be able to share the full video this month. Check it out below!

Team XYZ fills the office with fright and delight on Halloween

We capped off the month of October by celebrating Halloween with the entire office. We held a costume contest and a pumpkin carving contest, and there were some very creative entries in both. To see more of XYZ’s culture and find out why XYZ is the best place to work, check out our daily stories on Instagram (@XYZ).

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! ?? Did you carve any pumpkins this year?! Team XYZ did! ??

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